Catch Fish with
Mike Ladle
Information Page
For anyone unfamiliar with the site always check the FRESHWATER, SALTWATER and TACK-TICS pages. The Saltwater page now extends back as a record of over several years of (mostly) sea fishing and may be a useful guide as to when to fish. The Freshwater stuff is also up to date now. I keep adding to both. These pages are effectively my diary and the latest will usually be about fishing in the previous day or two. As you see I also add the odd piece from my friends and correspondents if I've not been doing much. The Tactics pages which are chiefly 'how I do it' plus a bit of science are also updated regularly and (I think) worth a read (the earlier ones are mostly tackle and 'how to do it' stuff).
'A few more bass on lures.'
Having had a modest bass on bait recently, followed by a few on lures from a tide race; I looked at the tide tables and decided it was about time to try a spot of spinning from the open shore. The first morning I arrived to find a car in the car park - b****r I thought but when I walked down to the beach I was relieved to discover that the 'opposition' was just fishing where the path met the shingle. It was too dark for me to see who it was and I'd already set my mind on a bit of a hike to a spot which, over the years, has been pretty consistent. It was a beautiful morning, pretty mild, the sea was flat calm and the tide was just past high water (the ebb is often best at my chosen spot).
As I made my way along to my 'mark' the sky was already lightening in the east (Should have got up fifteen minutes earlier). I selected a suitable stance and began to cast and retrieve my 18cm, Pearl, Evo-Redgill. It was easy fishing and there was no drifting weed to foul up the lure. Perfect! It was about ten minutes before I felt a solid yank on the line and found myself playing a bass. Before starting to fish I'd slipped my little camera into my jacket pocket so I decided to try and get one or two pictures of the fish. First I had to get a firmer footing than the slippery rock from which I'd been casting so I made my way carefully back towards (relatively) dry land. I inched my way along the ledge towing the bass like a dog on a lead. This was better, I reached in for the camera and - the bass came unstuck! Very unusual on those big (well sharpened) Redgill hooks. I fished on for a while and had three more bass, all smaller than the one (two pounder?) that I'd lost.
One of my four, first-morning tiddlers.
Following my unaccustomed success I decided to try the next morning, and to start a bit earlier. Sure enough, the following day I was fishing in the gloom, although, even so, my pal Mike was there before me, but fishless. Just as it was getting light I was in, and before long I took a picture of the rather skinny, four-poundish bass that had taken the Redgill.
A much better bass on the second session but very thin in the body..
After that I missed a couple of bites then I landed a tiny bass which had somehow managed to engulf the lure. A couple more missed bites and I said goodbye to Mike and set off back to the car. About half-way-there I met my pal Bill who was about to begin fishing. we stopped for a quick chat and each had a cast or two. Bill promptly landed a small schoolie - an excellent start - and I continued on my way back to the car.
Before finally leaving the beach I couldn't resist having a 'last cast'. the lure had hardly hit the water when the rod was yanked round and I was into a lively bass. the fish turned out to be roughly the same weight as the first one I'd caught, but it was shorter and in much better condition. I took a picture and had a couple more fruiless casts before finally packing in; well satisfied with my three fish. I later heard that Bill and Mike had each managed another bass. Perhaps things are looking up?
A much nicer looking, fatter, last-gasp fish.
Written with Alan Vaughan. NEW PRINT OF THE ORIGINAL: IN PAPERBACK. Copies available from all good book shops RRP £14:99 -
Copies can now be ordered (printed on demand) from Steve Pitts at £34.00, inc. Royal Mail Insured UK Mainland Postage.
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