Catch Fish with
Mike Ladle
Information Page
For anyone unfamiliar with the site always check the FRESHWATER, SALTWATER and TACK-TICS pages. The Saltwater page now extends back as a record of over several years of (mostly) sea fishing and may be a useful guide as to when to fish. The Freshwater stuff is also up to date now. I keep adding to both. These pages are effectively my diary and the latest will usually be about fishing in the previous day or two. As you see I also add the odd piece from my friends and correspondents if I've not been doing much. The Tactics pages which are chiefly 'how I do it' plus a bit of science are also updated regularly and (I think) worth a read (the earlier ones are mostly tackle and 'how to do it' stuff).
Paul's perch.
I've not done any freshwater stuff since the end of the river fishing so when I had an exchange of emails with my pal (and excellent angler) Paul Froom I thought it might be of interest. Anyway - here goes -
Date: Mon, 15 Mar
My mind has been turning towards a bit of sea fishing. Not sure about your crack of dawn starts - I would have to start 2 hours earlier which might not go down well at home! Any other thoughts?
Had two jacks and a small perch on the canal today (no close season). Interesting thing was saw clear signs of tench feeding.....
Tue, Mar 16,
Hi Paul,
I guess that setting off at 1 or 2a.m. might not be too popular. If you wait 'til a bit later in the year evenings are probably your best option for bass, mullet, etc. and it can be fairly predictable. I'm no expert on plaice fishing but I used to catch lots from the dinghy anchored not far off the end of Swanage pier and there were certainly plaice and sole off the beach at times. I believe that the Chesil at Abbotsbury is the classic plaice mark. Wrasse may be a good bet for daytime fishing and if you use hard crab you can get big ones. Alternatively, plugging and/or popping for bass in the hours of daylight is by no means a dead loss but it's still a bit early yet.
Date: Thu, 18 March
Went out on the canal yesterday and float fished worm from mid afternoon 'til it was too dark to see. Managed 8 perch between 12oz and 1lb 14oz and a solitary bream of 2lb 12oz. The pike were spawning in the reed beds at my feet, off and on all afternoon.
Fri, 19 Mar
Hi Paul,
Sounds as though you did well in the canal. Would you like a couple of 'Sandras' to try for the perch? Interesting about the pike spawning!
Fri, 26 Mar
Just wondering if you had been able to get out for any sea fishing trips?
Limited progress to report here. Poor weather frustrated a couple of trips and the alternative section I fished results were a bit disappointing. 3 x perch best, yet again, 1lb 14oz.
Yes I would be interested in trying the Sandra's. Do you fancy a day up fishing on the Canal? I went for a walk along the towpath yesterday afternoon to continue my prebaiting for bream/tench/carp. Whilst I was there the pike were continuing to spawn. Biggest fish I saw I don't think will have been more than 7lb.
Tue, Mar 30, 2010Fri, 19 Mar
Hi Paul,
I've been to the coast twice but not a sniff - I think (know) that the water's cold (that's my excuse). Cracking perch! Keep up the good work. In the throes of Blandford fly this week so fingers crossed.
Tue, 30 Mar
Just nipped down to the canal for 90 minutes and at just after 11 am out of a really coloured canal I managed my best perch from the canal. Unfortunately I only had a rather coarse spring balance rather than my Avons. A conservative weight is 2lb 4oz, I suspect it was an ounce or two more but my brother and I agreed on 2-4.
Photo's to follow when I get access to my own laptop again.
I also managed the most terrible looking pike I have ever caught, covered in cuts and ulcers. Spawning damage I guess.
Date: Wed, 31 Mar
Some photo's for you.
The fish came from one of my most productive spots; an outflow from a lock overflow.
Hi Paul,
Superb perch! Sorry I didn't reply to let you know I'd got the pictures - they are good. Perch always look fantastic don't they? I'm still trying to get a few dry days so we can treat the Blandford Fly problem. Just pray that it stops raining for a while eh!
Is it OK to use your pictures and words on the blog? I've had no freshwater stuff for a while.
All the best,
Well, there you have it. Some really nice perch for Paul. I must try and go up to join him as soon as I get the chance.
If you have any comments or questions about fish, methods, tactics or 'what have you!' get in touch with me by sending an E-MAIL to -