Catch Fish with
Mike Ladle
Information Page
27 January 2004.
Back soon!
I'm off on holiday tomorrow so this will be the last page for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I might have some sunny fish pictures when I get back.
Anyway, my last fishing trip was when I went to the river with my friend Jon Hulland. Jon is one of the keen bass anglers who I meet sometimes when I'm down at the coast and when I asked him if he fancied a few hours after pike he jumped at the chance. To tell the truth the conditions were pretty poor. In fact for the previous two weeks I'd put off the trip time and again because of the state of the river. As soon as it looked as if we might get two days without much rain we decided to give it a try. The river was bank high but on the credit side it was beginning to clear. I had a few baits so we went straight to the river. After the first couple of pools the writing was on the wall - this was not a good day for piking.
I decided to shift to another stretch so we jumped in the cars and drove downstream. After a hike across the fields we reached a nice pool with a back eddy. Even in the high water it looked quite 'pikey' so out went the floats. After a few minutes Jon called to let me know that he had a fish on. The pike put up a spirited resistance and I was able to take a couple of pictures. After we had returned Jon's fish we tried a few more spots but - nothing! We had to pack in fairly early because we both had appointments in mid-afternoon. Hopefully next time the fish will be more cooperative.
If you have any comments or questions about fish, methods, tactics or 'what have you.'get in touch with me by sending an E-MAIL to -
January 27 2004
It's on!.
Here it comes..